The level of sophistication is factored by a number of things. The date in which it was created indicates how old the archive is. Although the date of creation is important, we have to take into account how often the achieve was updated. The Valley of the Shadow, for example, was created in 1993, but updated up until 2007. This website specifically isn't as sophisticated as it could be in my opinion. On the contrast, it is easier to navigate and access information than some of the more advanced websites. The April 16 Archive isn't overwhelming, but there is a lot of accessible information that may be too much for some viewers. These websites have changed within the last 15 years as the emergence of new technology came about. There are more third party applications, such as time-toast, that can present information in a more developed manner. is a great website that allows someone to access digital history in an easy way. This site specifically give you access to World War documents if you choose to purchase the material. this website is actually better than the first one n my opinion. It examines history in a way that's easy to navigate. I specifically like this website because it gives great references and resources as to where the information came from.
Thanks for suggesting those two websites.